Selasa, 15 Disember 2015



Khairul skrg dah 1 tahun 7 bulan.. dah berjalan berlari melompat memanjat seperti anak2 yang dilahirkan normal yang lain.. syukur ku padamu Ilahi dikurniakan anak sepintar dan seindah Khairul..
walaupun dah berjalan.. mummy tetap pakaikan kasut dan bar pada waktu malam... maafkan mummy dn ayah ye sayang.. terpaksa memakaikan kamu kasut berat itu setiap malam... mummy nak but yang terbaik utk kamu..

Ahad, 25 Mei 2014

cast step 2....

hari ini 25.5.2014...

mummy menduduki exam semester akhir Ijazah Sarjana Muda Bahasa dan Lingusitik Melayu..
hari ini last day mummy exam.. hati dah bergundah gulana nak jumpa khairul...

hari ni juga khairul ada temujanji ngan doktor 

  1. ujian pendengaran  - khairul tidur dan ujian itu khairul sihat... alhamdulillah
  2. buka cast step pertama dan di cast semula untuk step 2.. - khairul tak menangis pun dengar bunyi mesin dan semasa dipasangkan cast.... tq abg firdaus dan abg MA orto

tahniah khairul !!!

Khamis, 22 Mei 2014


What is Clubfoot?

Clubfoot, or talipes equinovarus, is a treatable birth defect that affects approximately 150,000-200,000 children each year.   When clubfoot occurs the foot is twisted inward and down, and this condition occurs during development in the womb. Physicians have observed that fetuses that develop clubfoot start with a normal foot and then the foot begins to turn inward around the third month.  Most children born with clubfoot are not missing any bones, muscles, or connective tissue. It is a congenital condition, meaning that when it occurs it is always present at birth. It is one of the most common congenital deformities. One or both feet may be affected and the affected feet can range from relatively flexible to stiff and rigid. The condition is not painful for the new born, though when a child gets to walking age, walking with an uncorrected clubfoot can be very painful and difficult, if not impossible.

When will you know?:

Parents will know at birth if their child has clubfoot because the foot will be twisted inward.  Some cases are diagnosed during a routine ultrasound. If you are wondering if your child has clubfoot, contact a physician who has experience in diagnosing this condition (not all pediatricians know how to diagnose clubfoot).


Researchers do not know exactly what causes clubfoot. However, if either of the parents were born with clubfoot, their children are more likely to have it.


For years clubfoot has been treated by casting and/or surgery. Over fifty years ago Dr. Ignacio Ponseti developed a method for treating clubfoot that requires the use of over the knee casts and special protocol. The method consists of using a series of casts, gentle manipulation and the use of a special brace. This treatment is 95+% effective and it is the most cost effective treatment with no side effects. Treatment should start soon after birth.

Older Children:
Recent research has shown that the Ponseti Method is effective for children as old as ten, even in cases of failed surgery. Check out the PIA sponsored Philippines website to learn more about success stories of older children treated with clubfoot. You can also read stories written by parents of older children treated by the Ponseti method.

Clubfoot in developing countries:
Clubfoot is a serious problem in many developing countries. The majority of cases of clubfoot occur in these areas, about 80%, and there are high incidences of neglected clubfoot.  Neglected clubfoot limits the prospects of those living in developing countries as they often are unable to walk without great pain and do not have many job opportunities or the ability to carry out many daily tasks. The Ponseti method is very cost effective and various healthcare providers can perform the treatment making the Ponseti method a practical option for eradicating clubfoot around the world.

Selasa, 20 Mei 2014

Kenapa kaki baby disimen kak ?

Hujan-hujan persoalan mula kedengaran....

"kenapa macam kaki baby macam tu kak?"
 "kenapa kaki baby disimen kak?"
"ibunye buat apa sampai kaki anaknya disimen?"
"kaki baby patah ke ?"

oh.. bagaimana mummy nak berhadapan dengan semua orang yang bertanya... ayah tempat mummy menangis dan meluah rasa.. tapi kesedihan itu tidak lama setelah mummy mula membaca dan membuat research tentang clubfoot @ ctev.. 

terimakasih buat kak ina @ Puan Zarinawati melalui blognye

semuanya sudah terjawab... mummy mula redha dengan kurnian Ilahi ini...

Kini.. mummy bangga memiliki mu "Khairul bariyah" .. kerana 1 dalam 1000 kelahiran...
mummy selalu pesan kat orang sekeliling yang takut nak dukung kamu...
"Khairul tak sakit"
"khairul sihat"
"Kaki ctev ni kecacatan yang boleh dibaiki"

Ahad, 18 Mei 2014



Hari ini 15.5.2014 (Jumaat)... tarikh baru yang amat bersejarah dan khairul bariyah dah berumur seminggu.. khairul bariyah nak balik rumah .. nak jumpa nenek dan saudara mara yang lain... nenek kat rumah dah masak-masak nak jemput kawan2 yasinan datang makan untuk menyambut khairul bariyah.. dalam etnik jawa di Johor dipanggil "berokoan"... atau lebih dikenali sebagai kenduri kesyukuran sebab bayi selamat dilahirkan kemuka bumi ini....

seawal jam 9 pagi... mummy dan ayah dah bergerak ke HSNI.. dah tak sabar hati ini nak bawa pulang sikecil yang mungil tu.. setiba di HSNI jam 10pagi.. ayah tolak mummy naik kerusi roda.. hati kami gembira kerana kami akan bawa pulang sikecil hari ini..

kami tunggu peluang untuk masuk ke NICU HSNI... jaga pintu tak benarkan masuk sebab katanya ada doktor pakar membuat lawatan & rawatan... minit masa memasuki jam 12.00 tghari... mummy dan ayah alhamdulillah dapat masuk nak jenguk khairul... ayah tetap setia pimpin dan peluk mummy melangkah masuk ke nicu dan mummy merasakan setiap langkah itu mengambil masa yang lama.

bilik tempat khairul ditempatkan dah kosong... tinggal satu katil bayi je terletak elok ditepi pintu... dalam hati mummy mula berdetik kencang dan mulut mula berbisik ke telinga ayah...
"abg, khairul ke kawannya ?...."
"abg, kesian khairul duduk sorang-sorang"
"abg, syg tahu tu khairul"

syukur... khairul dah tersenyum.. riak wajahnya menunjukkan yang dia lapar susu.. mummy angkat khairul dan dukung kebilik penyusuan... 

sedang menyusukan khairul.. seorang jururawat jumpa ayah dan mummy..
"puan, baby sudah boleh discharge hari ini, tapi kami tunggu pengesahan dari pihak ortopedik dulu.. kaki baby perlu disimen @cast sebelum boleh dibawa keluar hospital"

Rabu, 14 Mei 2014



satu perkataan asing dalam kamu hidupku sebelum ini...


Namun sejak Khairul Bariyah disahkan footclub.. aku mula membuat kajian dan penelitian tentang footclub.. terima kasih buat seorang teman di laman sosial kerana sentiasa memberi sokongan kepadaku tentang footclub. 

tanpa pengalaman dan tunjuk ajar beliau aku mungkin tidak setabahnya... 

Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014

Indahnya CiptaanMu

Hari ini... 

walaupun mummy tak sekuat mana tapi mummy tetap gagahi jua menemui mu sayang...  (ayah dah janji nak bawa mummy jumpa kamu)

*** jam 12.30tghari jom kita ke NICU... 

*** di NICU... pertama kali menatap wajahmu menitis laju air mata.. oh indahnya ciptaanMu .. putih bersih wajahnya.. 

### jam 5.00 petang nenek dan semua abang dan kakak ku datang melihatku.... terima kasih semuanya...

** wad 10 kosong